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  • 本周最佳运动员:马迪克·特罗蒂尔

    This Grade 9 student-athlete from Fort McMurray, Alberta has had an exceptional volleyball season. She is always looking to become a better player and most recently incorporated jump serves into her toolbox of skills. 这个周末, 在球队的最后一场比赛中, she not only excelled on the court but overcame her hesitation and landed not one but three jump serves in a row. For her natural athletic ability all season and her incredible leadership on the court this weekend, 本周最佳运动员, 来自女子排球, Madik Trottier.
  • 本周最佳运动员:拉西亚·马图什-圣西尔

    这位来自奇布加莫的11年级学生运动员, 魁北克在过去几周表现出了巨大的领导力. 在排球场上, she played a significant role by contributing both offensively and defensively. 拉西有打排球的天赋, 但这是她的职业道德, 她在比赛中的快速决策和, 最重要的是, her exceptional sportsmanship towards her teammates that make her an amazing player. She remains positive through adversity and is the first one to encourage the others when the game gets tough. Léa is one of the rare players that keeps playing with a smile on her face regardless of the situation. 本周最佳运动员,来自女子排球队,拉西塔·马图什·圣西尔.
  • 本周最佳运动员:Karyme Olan Gallardo

    来自墨西哥城,10年级, Karyme has had an amazing start to the senior girls volleyball season. 和队里的其他女孩一样, she was super excited to compete in the first annual girls volleyball tournament. Even though it's her first year on the team, she's already taken her place. 每次练习时,她都带着一种生活乐趣和强度. During the tournament, she was involved and showed a real desire to improve and give her best. When she was on the bench, she continued to encourage her teammates and even the other teams. 她的体育精神, 在过去的周末里,我们努力工作,发挥出色, 恭喜你,本周最佳运动员, Karyme Olan Gallardo.

教练2023 - 24